To the opposite end of the state or the other side of the country, Eagle Van Lines accommodates its moving services to you, the valued customer. With offices in New Jersey, New York, and Florida and a network of affiliates across the country, we have no limitations when it comes to moving you, your family, and / or your business over long distances. We strive to make your upcoming relocation a comforting experience, accommodating you every step of the way.
Unlike other moving companies, we fully cater to the needs of our clients. Upon signing with Eagle Van Lines, you will be given a break-down of the moving schedule. We make every effort to be on time for both pickup and delivery. We never leave you in the dark. You will always know where your shipment is at any given moment.
Because we constantly aspire towards a '10' in customer satisfaction, we have earned a solid reputation in the industry for dependability and excellence. You will always have a contact person to ask any question or voice a concern. We take pride in the training that we provide our moving staff of drivers, dispatchers, helpers, and sales associates. We are diligent in every move that we perform and our level of expertise and quality shows.